"I Was Blind in my Right Eye for the Last 17 Years, but I Came to See"
| Manmin News No. 475 | 2016-01-24

Brother Pappu Kumar Das, age 25, Delhi Manmin Church, India
When I was eight years old, I was passing through my grandmother's cornfield. Then a sharp part of a leaf of the corn stuck me in my eye.
I went to hospital with my parents in a hurry. My doctor said that I should have surgery as soon as possible. The sharp part was taken out from my eye through the surgery, but things came to look blurred through the eye and soon I became blind in the eye. I tried many things to recover my eyesight but it was of no use.
When I turned twelve, I had a corneal transplant and had two more operations but nothing worked. The doctor told me that there would be no more treatment available. My right eye was blinded and it started to appear strange. My friends teased me and made fun of my eye, so I was always in sorrow and cried. I was pessimistic and avoided others.
I felt weary in heart thinking of the hopeless future. Meantime, my cousin gave me a CD "The Power of God" and said that I would be able to be healed by the prayer of a powerful pastor. The CD presented many people's testimonies. They had incurable diseases but they were healed of their diseases after they received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer.
With a faint hope of healing, I started to attend Delhi Manmin Church from November 2014. When I received Dr. Lee's prayer after his sermon broadcast through GCN, the pain in my right eye subsided and I came to see some stuff with colors through the eye. But it was temporary. At that time I did not live by the Word of God and did not know how to receive answers. But for such a person like me, God let me experience the power of God the Creator for a moment.
Afterwards, I became assured of healing and began following the will of God. Through the sermons I learned about how to show my faith to be healed and received the prayer for the sick that I had saved in my cell phone every morning and evening. I also offered up a-meal-fasting and prayer for 40 days. And I tried to live according to the Word of God.
In November 2015, Rev. Heesun Lee, Manmin World Guidance Pastor, visited our church to lead the church's 3rd anniversary service. After the message, she prayed with the handkerchief Dr. Lee had prayed on. And, a miracle took place to me!
The severe pain in my eye and headaches were gone. The tearing also stopped. Moreover, I came to see colors and light through the right eye. The eyesight got better and better, and I came to be able to recognize the image of things and read letters. How amazing!
My pupil had become covered with something white, but it has been turning black again. I am so happy. With my grateful heart for the grace of God, I am volunteering in my church and trying to evangelize others. I give all thanks and glory to the living God.

â–² Brother Pappu lost eyesight in his right eye and spent an unhappy childhood. But, he experienced the power of God who regenerated his dead optic nerves, and now he is enjoying happy moments in thanks and joy.